Text: John 10:1-5,1 0-15; 2 Peter 2:18
Key Verse: Colossians 2:8.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ (KJV).
Most teens today have a fair amount of money that they can spend as they please - and that makes them targets. The entertainment industry and producers of consumer products want that money. In some consumer product lines, quality and price levels leave producers deadlocked as they struggle to gain control of a larger market share. That's when they pull out their big guns: things like sex and violence.
Action movies - films with lots of gunfire, explosions, and sometimes a sex scene or two - are often at or near the top of the chart. The faces of celebrities (male and female, well-dressed and skimpily dressed) are used to promote the sale of alcoholic drinks and some other products. Even the video version of most Nigerian gospel songs seems to be terribly contradictory to the actual messages embodied in those songs. The hormones and maturity levels of your students make them especially vulnerable to this type of advertising and entertainment.
As you prepare to teach this week's session, take some time to evaluate the advertisements that you see every day. What makes them effective or ineffective? What kinds of movies do you watch? Do you often wish 5 or 10 minutes of it would have been left in the editing room? Resolve to avoid any entertainment that might be considered questionable; and make your purchasing decisions based on price, quality, and need instead of marketing tactics.
>>The Basic Message: Explain to students...
Text: John 10:1-5,1 0-15; 2 Peter 2:18
Key Verse: Colossians 2:8.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ (KJV).
Most teens today have a fair amount of money that they can spend as they please - and that makes them targets. The entertainment industry and producers of consumer products want that money. In some consumer product lines, quality and price levels leave producers deadlocked as they struggle to gain control of a larger market share. That's when they pull out their big guns: things like sex and violence.
Action movies - films with lots of gunfire, explosions, and sometimes a sex scene or two - are often at or near the top of the chart. The faces of celebrities (male and female, well-dressed and skimpily dressed) are used to promote the sale of alcoholic drinks and some other products. Even the video version of most Nigerian gospel songs seems to be terribly contradictory to the actual messages embodied in those songs. The hormones and maturity levels of your students make them especially vulnerable to this type of advertising and entertainment.
As you prepare to teach this week's session, take some time to evaluate the advertisements that you see every day. What makes them effective or ineffective? What kinds of movies do you watch? Do you often wish 5 or 10 minutes of it would have been left in the editing room? Resolve to avoid any entertainment that might be considered questionable; and make your purchasing decisions based on price, quality, and need instead of marketing tactics.
>>The Basic Message: Explain to students...
Many voices in today's world compete for our attention, but only God deserves our total devotion.
Understanding the media persuasive influence will help us to recognize and resist ideas that could pull us away from God.
Reject sales pitches and cultural philosophies that conflict with the teachings of the Bible.
READ ALSO>>>Teens Sunday School Lesson 22: Sunday, 28th May, 2023
>>Study Overview: Explaln that today's study will consider:
•How the media mnotives and interests differ from God's plan for our lives.
•Tactics advertisers use to sell their products.
•Why it's important to listen to God's voice above all others.
Many voices in today's world compete for our attention, but only God deserves our total devotion.
Understanding the media persuasive influence will help us to recognize and resist ideas that could pull us away from God.
Reject sales pitches and cultural philosophies that conflict with the teachings of the Bible.
READ ALSO>>>Teens Sunday School Lesson 22: Sunday, 28th May, 2023
>>Study Overview: Explaln that today's study will consider:
•How the media mnotives and interests differ from God's plan for our lives.
•Tactics advertisers use to sell their products.
•Why it's important to listen to God's voice above all others.
>>Inform and Discuss
a). Attention Getters
>>Guide: Explain that in today’s world. we're practically surrounded by media voices. Everywhere we go, it seems there are flashing, glaring, blaring messages competing for our attention. They may seem easy enough to ignore. But in reality, they have the power to shape the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.
1. What are some ways in which people are influenced by the things they see and hear in the media? [Hint: People imitate celebrity styles and trends, some even plan their schedules according to weather reports, respond to tragedies in the news, etc.]
>>Guide: Explain that not only do people rely on the media, the media depends on people. Your favourite television shows, magazines, and radio broadcasts are all likely paid for by advertisements. Companies spend huge amounts of money to place ads in these venues in hopes that you'll see their products and want to buy them. Note that the media pushes more than just products. The media sometimes promotes lifestyles and values that may conflict with God's Word. We need to be aware of what's being promoted.
>>Activity Option: ATTENTION
Distribute papers and markers. Divide the students into small groups and ask each group to design a poster that will draw attention. (For example, it might advertise a Christian band or youth activity.) Then have someone from each group explain the design. Discuss the following question:
•What were some of the methods used to attract attention? [Hint: E.g., bold colours, large font size, words or phrases, picture.]
• What kinds of things do media advertisers use to attract attention?
[Hint: Advertisers use some of the same things. Students may also note that the media uses such things as sexual innuendo and immoral lifestyles to sell their products. Study 4 will examine how these elements are used in movies and on television as well.]
2. Read or have a volunteer read John 10:1-5. With so many messages competing for our attention, how can we know what to listen to? (Guide: Explain that the world is full of voices calling us to follow or buy into their philosophies, But as followers of Christ, we must listen intently for His voice. That means rejecting anything that would lead us in the wrong direction.]
3. Read or have a volunteer read John 10:10-15, In what ways are the attitudes of the advertisers the same with those of a hireling and different from God's?
>>Guide: Explain that the hireling is only interested in making money. He isn't really concerned about the well-being of the sheep, and is not willing to take any personal risks on their behalf. In the same manner, most advertisers are interested in one thing: making money. In their pursuit of profit, they want Us to pay attention to what they have to say, even if their messages directly oppose what's best for us as Christians. But God wants our attention for very different reasons. He desires a relationship with us and wants us to experience His great plan for our lives. He even demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus to lay down His life for our sins.
b). Packaging the Message
1. Do you think advertisers target specific groups of people with their ads?Why would they do this? [Hint: Advertisers tailor their messages according to the group of consumers they're trying to reach: male or female, young or old, wealthy of middle class, etc.]
2. What are some of the factors that make teens a prime target for media advertisers? [Hint:
•Teens are exposed to the media more than most other age groups.
•They often have expendable cash from part-time jobs or allowances.
•They like to stay up-to-date and buy the latest products and fashions.
•The buying habits and brand loyalties they develop now often carry over into later years.]
>>Guide: Explain that many teens don't realize they're a prime media target. But as we become more aware of the tactics that are being used (like celebrities or attractive models, music, fashion, and technology), we're less likely to fall for messages that could harm us spiritually.
3. Read or have a volunteer read 2 Peter 2:18. To what "lustful desires" might the media appeal?
>>Guide: Greed, selfishness, sexual immorality, etc. Have students think of specific examples of advertisers using such lures to market products to teens. Then explain that Peter warned of false teachers who would try to lure people away from God's truth by appealing to lustful human desires. We must be on our guard against the same kind of thing, especially as we're exposed to hour after hour of non-Christian messages in the media.
4. Read or have a volunteer read Col 2:8. How might this warning relate to some of the messages we hear today in the media? [Hint: Many of the media messages have more to do with worldly philosophies than with the principles the Bible teaches. We must be careful not to allow such things to "capture" our hearts and minds and lead us away from Christ.]
>>lnvolve Them: MEDIA ANALYSIS
Give students chance to talk about what they've learned by analysing some different types of advertisements. If possible, record some television advertisements ahead of time and play them in class. Also bring some ads from newspapers and magazines. Discuss how the ads attempt to attract attention, whom they're targeting, which ones would appeal most to teens, what tactics are being used, and which ads are promoting choices or lifestyles that are contrary to what the Bible teaches.
>>Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (Pg..), explaining WHAT the Big ldea behind the study is; WHY it matters: and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.
>>Ministry Activity: Read or have a volunteer read Rev 3:17-18. Explain that these verses talk of a church where the people thought they didn't need anything because they had the things the world offers. But they still needed God. He advised them to value and pursue the things that can only come through a relationship with God: eternal life, purity, and spiritual vision. We must be sure we're pursuing the things that will matter in the end. Distribute paper and pens or pencils. Have students spend a few moments in prayer, expressing to God their desire to pursue a closer relationship with Him.
>>Invitation Option: Read Rev, 3:19-21. Explain that God doesn't just broadcast His offers of forgiveness. He "knocks" at the door of our hearts and waits for us to invite Him into our lives. His motives are selfless and loving. He simply wants to give us every opportunity to experience eternal life. Offer to pray with anyone who would like to receive Christ as Saviour.
>>Teacher Hint: Ask yourself...
1. Do students have an increased awareness of the reality of media influence?
2. Can they explain why God is concerned that they be not deceived into believing or "buying into" all the media messages they hear?
3. Do they understand what motivates advertisers to target their age group?
4. Are they able to share the truths they learned today with their friends and family?
READ ALSO>>>Teens Sunday School Lesson 21: Sunday, 21stMay, 2023
>>Daily Dew Drops
Mon: He Is Everywhere - Psalm 139:7-12.
Tues: Both Far and Near – Jer. 23:23-24.
Wed: He Can Hear You - Psalm 145:8.
Thurs: Sin Creates Gap - Isaiah 59:1-2.
Fri: He Can Dwell With You - Isaiah 57:15.
Sat: Close the Gap - James 4:8.
• What kinds of things do media advertisers use to attract attention?
[Hint: Advertisers use some of the same things. Students may also note that the media uses such things as sexual innuendo and immoral lifestyles to sell their products. Study 4 will examine how these elements are used in movies and on television as well.]
2. Read or have a volunteer read John 10:1-5. With so many messages competing for our attention, how can we know what to listen to? (Guide: Explain that the world is full of voices calling us to follow or buy into their philosophies, But as followers of Christ, we must listen intently for His voice. That means rejecting anything that would lead us in the wrong direction.]
3. Read or have a volunteer read John 10:10-15, In what ways are the attitudes of the advertisers the same with those of a hireling and different from God's?
>>Guide: Explain that the hireling is only interested in making money. He isn't really concerned about the well-being of the sheep, and is not willing to take any personal risks on their behalf. In the same manner, most advertisers are interested in one thing: making money. In their pursuit of profit, they want Us to pay attention to what they have to say, even if their messages directly oppose what's best for us as Christians. But God wants our attention for very different reasons. He desires a relationship with us and wants us to experience His great plan for our lives. He even demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus to lay down His life for our sins.
b). Packaging the Message
1. Do you think advertisers target specific groups of people with their ads?Why would they do this? [Hint: Advertisers tailor their messages according to the group of consumers they're trying to reach: male or female, young or old, wealthy of middle class, etc.]
2. What are some of the factors that make teens a prime target for media advertisers? [Hint:
•Teens are exposed to the media more than most other age groups.
•They often have expendable cash from part-time jobs or allowances.
•They like to stay up-to-date and buy the latest products and fashions.
•The buying habits and brand loyalties they develop now often carry over into later years.]
>>Guide: Explain that many teens don't realize they're a prime media target. But as we become more aware of the tactics that are being used (like celebrities or attractive models, music, fashion, and technology), we're less likely to fall for messages that could harm us spiritually.
3. Read or have a volunteer read 2 Peter 2:18. To what "lustful desires" might the media appeal?
>>Guide: Greed, selfishness, sexual immorality, etc. Have students think of specific examples of advertisers using such lures to market products to teens. Then explain that Peter warned of false teachers who would try to lure people away from God's truth by appealing to lustful human desires. We must be on our guard against the same kind of thing, especially as we're exposed to hour after hour of non-Christian messages in the media.
4. Read or have a volunteer read Col 2:8. How might this warning relate to some of the messages we hear today in the media? [Hint: Many of the media messages have more to do with worldly philosophies than with the principles the Bible teaches. We must be careful not to allow such things to "capture" our hearts and minds and lead us away from Christ.]
>>lnvolve Them: MEDIA ANALYSIS
Give students chance to talk about what they've learned by analysing some different types of advertisements. If possible, record some television advertisements ahead of time and play them in class. Also bring some ads from newspapers and magazines. Discuss how the ads attempt to attract attention, whom they're targeting, which ones would appeal most to teens, what tactics are being used, and which ads are promoting choices or lifestyles that are contrary to what the Bible teaches.
>>Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (Pg..), explaining WHAT the Big ldea behind the study is; WHY it matters: and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.
>>Ministry Activity: Read or have a volunteer read Rev 3:17-18. Explain that these verses talk of a church where the people thought they didn't need anything because they had the things the world offers. But they still needed God. He advised them to value and pursue the things that can only come through a relationship with God: eternal life, purity, and spiritual vision. We must be sure we're pursuing the things that will matter in the end. Distribute paper and pens or pencils. Have students spend a few moments in prayer, expressing to God their desire to pursue a closer relationship with Him.
>>Invitation Option: Read Rev, 3:19-21. Explain that God doesn't just broadcast His offers of forgiveness. He "knocks" at the door of our hearts and waits for us to invite Him into our lives. His motives are selfless and loving. He simply wants to give us every opportunity to experience eternal life. Offer to pray with anyone who would like to receive Christ as Saviour.
>>Teacher Hint: Ask yourself...
1. Do students have an increased awareness of the reality of media influence?
2. Can they explain why God is concerned that they be not deceived into believing or "buying into" all the media messages they hear?
3. Do they understand what motivates advertisers to target their age group?
4. Are they able to share the truths they learned today with their friends and family?
READ ALSO>>>Teens Sunday School Lesson 21: Sunday, 21stMay, 2023
>>Daily Dew Drops
Mon: He Is Everywhere - Psalm 139:7-12.
Tues: Both Far and Near – Jer. 23:23-24.
Wed: He Can Hear You - Psalm 145:8.
Thurs: Sin Creates Gap - Isaiah 59:1-2.
Fri: He Can Dwell With You - Isaiah 57:15.
Sat: Close the Gap - James 4:8.