BIBLE TEXT: Ecclesiastes 9:10; Colossians 3:22-25

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men (Colossians 3:23, NIV).

To help the child understand that being a good worker helps him/her to witness for Jesus through his/her life.


During and after the lesson, each child will show that he/she understands the lesson by:
1. Listing earthly rewards people receive for being good workers or for doing their best.
2. Discussing ways he/she can do his/her best.
3. Reciting the memory verse and asking the Lord to help him/her do his/her best.


1. How to Be a Good Worker - Ecclesiastics 9:10, Colossians 3:22-23.
2. Reward for Being a Good Worker - Colossians 3:24.
3. Reward for Being a Bad Worker - Colossians 3:25.


Many employers give awards to their employees every year. For some it is a very big thing and a very big celebration. One of the awards given is known as Best Worker's Award. And for the Youth Corpers the story is not different. Corpers who do very well in their primary and secondary assignments are receive awards.

Doing one's best. What does it mean to do one's best? It means doing as much as you are capable of doing as an individual. It is being our best in the sight of God. Every person can do the best he can. Everybody can also do better than he does presently. People do not need to excel to be described as doing their best.

This week's lesson teaches us how to be good workers, who try to do their best, wherever we may find ourselves.


1. How to Be a Good Worker - Ecclesiastes 9:10; Col. 3:22-23

Our first Bible text Ecclesiastes 9:10 reads: "Whatever you do, do well, for in death, where you are going, there is no working or planning, or knowing, or understanding." (LB). "Whatsoever you do" includes everything believers do 24 hours a day, both the ordinary, activities like eating and drinking and the spiritual, church related, Christian duties we call "God's work". What this verse implies is that these things should not be separated. Believers should regard the ordinary thing as important also and so do their best in them.

Colossians 3:23, which is the memory verse helps the believer keep the right attitude towards work, even if the job is not much fun.

The following are the things in our Bible texts that are necessary for doing one's best in the task one has.
1. Planning: Plan well to do well.
2. Knowledge: Some people go into things they know nothing about. The believer should try and get knowledge about what he is doing.
3. Understanding: He should try to have an understanding of the job a he is doing.
4. Willing Obedience: Obedlence should not be forced.
5. Sincerity: This involves doing the work whether the master ls there or not. Eye service is discouraged.
6. Working Hard: The believer should not be lazy, but should work hard.
7. Cheerfulness: The work becomes easier if it is done with a cheerful spirit.
8. Doing everything as to the Lord: If we do whatever we do as if we are doing it directly for God himself and that He is there watching us work for Him, we will always do our best. Doing this makes the work being done much more important.

2. Reward for Being a Good Worker - Colossians 3:24.

Here on the Earth there are rewards for jobs well done. Good workers or people who do their best in whatever they are given to do are rewarded one way or the other.

The rewards could be in form of gifts, awards, money, praise, honour, medals, etc. Though believers work for men here on the Earth, Paul says that they are really working for Jesus. He says they should remember that it is Jesus who is going to pay them.

This means that they will receive their rewards from Him. Paul said categorically that Jesus would give the worker his full portion of all He owns. The rewards that Jesus will give are heavenly rewards.

3. Reward for Being a Bad Worker - Colossians 3:25.

Being a bad worker also has its rewards. In this life, people who don't do their best are not rewarded with awards, gifts, applauses, honours, etc. Such people sit around in the offices gossiping or sleeping while on duty. Some absent themselves from work for the flimsiest of reasons.

They pretend to work when the boss is around, but stop working as soon as I he leaves. Some workers are very dishonest.

They steal company properties or money, and allow public things to be destroyed. God does not commend such workers. Paul says the bad, sloppy and lazy workers will have a negative reward. His bad work will attract from Jesus a reward the worker will not like at all.


Let us try and take this song as our motto from now on:
"Good, Better, Best
Let Us Never Rest
Till Our Good ls Better
And Our Better, Best"
In short this song is saying that we make our good better and our better best. That is the lesson we need to learn and apply to our lives this weak other words we should give our best effort in all we do. Let us not be satisfied with poor work if we can do better. Again, we should put the same effort into a job we do for someone else as we would in doing it for God and for ourselves.


1. What does Colossians 3:23, which is the memory verse, help the believers to do?
(A) To keep the right attitude towards work, only to do o the job that has much fun.
(B) To keep the right attitude towards God's work only.
(C) To keep the right attitude towards work even if the job is not much fun.
(D)All of the above.

2. When does the work we do become easier?
(A) When we do it with bad intention.
(B) When we do it with people who know how to do it.
(C) When we do it with a cheerful spirit.
(D) When we give the work we should do others to do.

3. When does the work being done seem much more important?
(A) When we do our private work.
(B) When we do work for our parents and elderly people.
(C) When we do everything as to the Lord and as if we are doing it directly for God himself and that He is there watching us work for Him.
(D) a and b.

4. What kind of reward will believers who do their best while working for men on the Earth receive?
(A) Heavenly and material blessing.
(B) Heavenly blessing only.
(C) Material blessing only.
(D) No reward.


Mon: The Reward of Work - Proverbs 12:14,14:23.
Tues: Do Not Be Lazy - Prov 18:9; 1 Thessalonians 3:13.
Wed: Enjoy Your Work - Ecclesiastics 3:22,5:19.
Thurs: Be a Profitable Worker - Matthew 25:16-18.
Fri: Working onto Eternal Life - John 6:26-27.
Sat: Do Not Be Idle - 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13.