LESSON 15: The Book Of Life

BIBLE TEXT: Deuteronomy 6:1-9

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul (Psalm 19:7, NIV).


To help the child understand that God gave His Laws to him/her and that He expects him/her to listen and obey, read, think and speak them all the days of his/her life for his own good.


During and after the lesson, each child will show that he/she understands the lesson by:

1. Discussing ways he/she can incorporate God's Word in his/her. daily life.

2. Answering questions asked on the lesson during and after the lesson.


1. Listen and Obey God's Laws - Deuteronomy 6:1-3.

2. Know the Greatest Commandment - Deuteronomy 6:4-5.

3. Read, Think, Speak God's Laws - Deuteronomy 6:6-9.


People know that if they don't obey and respect the law, they can be punished. Laws keep other people from harming us or taking away our rights and freedoms. Laws protect our things that are valuable to us. But where did all these laws begin?

The Bible is the greatest important Law Book in life. In this important book God states many laws on how we should treat others, how lawbreakers should be treated, how we should worship God, and other things. The best-known set of these laws is listed in Exodus 20:3-7 and it is called the Ten Commandments.

READ ALSO>>> Children's Sunday School Lesson 14: Sunday, 1st October, 2023.


1. Listen and Obey God's Laws - Deuteronomy 6:1-3.

God gave His Laws to the people of Israel through Moses. He commanded Moses to teach the laws to the people so that they might obey them in the land they were going across Jordan to possess. The people were to fear God and keep these laws that were to direct them all the days of their lives and prolong their lives. The laws were also to guide them, guide their children and grandchildren and their generation yet to come.

God expected the people of Israel to listen and obey all His laws for their own good. He emphasised that their keeping the law would guarantee them an enjoyable life. It would make them multiply greatly and prosper in the Promised Land. Thus, they needed to be careful to keep the Laws.

2. Know the Great Commandment - Deut 6:4-5.

The Israelites were called upon to hear, know and keep the Great Commandment. The Lord their God is one and they were to love Him with all their heart (mind, feelings, and decisions), soul (actions), and might (all the strength one has). This means that the people were to love God with everything in them. In other words, they were to give their whole selves to God.

This command is important because loving God would lead them to obeying Him. It would make them reverence Him and it would make them zealous in helping others to know Him.

The Great Commandment was very important to the Jews. Everybody knew it and recited it. Jesus himself repeated this commandment to His disciples while teaching them when He was on the Earth.

READ ALSO>>> Children's Sunday School Lesson 13: Sunday, 24th September, 2023.

3. Read, Think, and Speak God's Laws - Deuteronomy 6:6-9.

God expected the people of Israel to take the law of God very seriously. They were to read, think, and speak His law all their days and pass the same on to their children. Moses taught them to do so. The instruction was that they should learn it by heart, teach it to their children while at home, while they are walking along the road, when they go to sleep and when they wake up. In fact, they should write the law on their hands, write it on their foreheads, and on the doorposts of their houses and on their gates. Note that this was not intended to be taken literally but to show the importance of taking God's law seriously. God's Word is to be in the heart, not on the hand, a doorstep, or a forehead. It is a great danger to let external signs to take the place of a heart and life that is completely surrendered to God.

The same teaching is for every Christian family today. Just as Moses taught the people of Israel, so parents are to teach their own children. Children should learn the laws of God as given in the Bible. They should obey them and allow themselves to be guided by them for their spiritual growth and Success here on the Earth.


If we don't obey or respect the law we would be punished. That's why we respect the police. In the same way, if we don't obey the commandments of God, we will be punished here and thereafter. God's commandments have not changed. The laws He gave to the people of Israel as they crossed the Jordan to enter the Promised Land, He gives us today.

We are to love the Lord with all our heart, that is, with, all our mind, feelings, and decisions. We are to love Him with all our actions, that is, all our life, and we are to love Him with all the strength we have, that is, all our might. When we do this it will be well with us for God is faithful. He is the Giver and Author of all that we are or have now or ever will be and have.


1. What did God command Moses to teach to the people?

(A) His Son
(B) His Love
(C) His Laws
(D) His Mercies.

2. Why did God command Moses to teach the laws to the people of Israel?

(A) That they might obey them In the land they were going across Jordan to possess
(B) That they might disobey them in the land they were going across Jordan to possess.
(C) That they might disobey them in the land they were going across Galilee to possess.
(D) That they might obey them in the land they were going across Egypt to possess.

3. Which is the Great Commandment?

(A) Love the Lord your God with all your mouth, with all your head, and with all your legs.
(B) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with al your strength.
(C) Love the Lord your God only when your pastor and parents are watching you.
(D) Love the Lord your God only when you need help from Him.

4. How did God expect the people of Israel to take His Law?

(A) He expected them to love It small.
(B) He expected them to apply it only when It favours then.
(C) He expected them to dislike it.
(D) He expected them to take it very seriously - read it, think It, and speak It all their days and then pass the same on to their children.


Mon: Those Who Overcome Will Be Dressed in White - Revelation 3:4-6.

Tue: Books Were Opened - Revelation 20:12.

Wed: The Lake of Fire - Revelation 20:15.

Thu: The Dwelling Of God Is with Men - Revelation 21:1-4.

Fri: The Lamb's Book of Life - Revelation 21:22-27.

Sat: Fear the Lord Your God - Deuteronomy 6:1-3.