SUNDAY, 21ST MAY, 2023.

Text: Mark 15:40-47; 16:1-3; Luke 8:1-3
Key Verse: Galatian 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (NIV).

How do you react when things don't work out the way you thought they would? What's your response when pain or fear threatens to overwhelm you? Challenges like these are never enjoyable - but they're a part of life. How we handle them will have a lot to say about what kind of impact they'll have on us as well as our walk with God.

This study features a woman who believed Jesus is the Messiah, and then watched Him die. Her heart must have been torn with disappointment and confusion. After watching Jesus' burial, she returned to Jerusalem to keep to Sabbath. Even in the midst of grief, love for Jesus still ruled her heart. She wanted to do something more for Him. Early on Sunday morning she returned to the tomb to visit the dead, but instead she met the living. The risen Lord Himself commissioned her to take the good news to His disillusioned disciples.

In the hour of your deepest pain, the living Christ wants to meet you. Don't disappoint Him by abandoning His cause because you're hurting. And don't allow your painful emotions to silence His voice. Trust Him to use you as a messenger of hope and life to those who are hurting or don't have a personal relationship with Him.

>>The Basic Message: Explain to students...
It takes courage to honour Jesus during hard times, but your faithfulness will be rewarded.

If you don't build and maintain your spiritual stamina, you could eventually lose hope and give up when challenges comes.
Make decisions based on loyalty to God, knowing that a reward awaits you.

>>Activity Option: SEARCHING FOR GOD
Have students scan the Book of Esther and count the number of times God is named in the book. Ask students what they found. Let students know that God is not specifically mentioned in the Book of Esther. Yet that doesn't mean He wasn't there. His influence can be seen throughout the book. In the same way, sometimes we may wonder where God is, or if He is near. Yet even when He doesn't seem close, we can be assured that He is right there for us.

>>Study Overview: Explain that today's study will consider:
That it takes courage to honour Jesus during difficult times.
•How believers will lose hope and give up without spiritual stamina.
•How we can stay loyal to God, knowing that a reward awaits us.

>>Inform and Discuss
a). Changes lead to choices.
1. Read or have a volunteer read Luke 8:1-3. Discuss what this passage tells us about Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Jesus. [Guide: Point out that we don't know exactly how these demons affected Mary, but we do know that she had serious problems. A huge change took place in Mary when Jesus cast those evil spirits out of her life.]

>>Guide: Explain that when people meet Jesus and experience His life-changing power, many of their interest and goals change. We don't know what Mary's earlier profession was, but she came to be counted among several women who travelled with Jesus and supported His ministry.

>>Activity Option: CHANGED LIVES
Have students describe their lives before becoming Christians and how they've changed since then. Explain that this is a great way to share their faith with friends and family members. (Those who have served Christ from a very early age might talk about ways their lives might have been different apart from a relationship with Him.)

2. Discuss how the choices we make about how to spend free time and use our money should reflect godly priorities, and how such actions can help others come to know Jesus too.

b). Courage leads to faithfulness.
1. Read or have a volunteer read Mark 15:40-47. Discuss what may have been going through Mary's mind after Jesus' death and burial. [Hint: Imagine her confusion. Undoubtedly, she believed that Jesus is the Messiah. He had performed a miracle in her life, and she had probably seen Him do many more. He had even raised the dead. How could God allow Him to be executed by the ungodly Roman government? Thoughts like these must have filled Mary's mind.]

>>Guide: Explain that after Jesus died, Mary watched while Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus placed Him in the tomb. She could have returned to her former life and forgotten about Jesus. She could have been angry at God for allowing her hopes to be crushed, and consequently choose to rebel. But Mary remained Jesus' friend. She may not have understood what God was doing, but she kept right on honouring Him. One of Mary's best qualities was tenacity. She stayed committed to Him no matter what happened.

2. How should we treat our friends who are experiencing hurt or loss in their lives?

>>Hint: Sometimes when friends go through bad times it takes courage to stand by them, especially when we don't understand all the circumstances. Visiting a friend who is facing criminal charges requires personal strength. Yet, it's during these troubled times that friends are needed most. Mary was that kind of friend.

3. Why is it important to maintain close relationship with God when everything seems to be going wrong? [Guide: Hard times and disappointments can cause us to lose the balance in our lives and fall away from Christ. Ask students how we can be like Mary, who "kept her balance" and remained faithful.]

>>Teacher Hint: Should Christians be surprised that tough times Come their way? Read the following passages, then discuss what they reveal about trials in the life of a Christian: John 16:33; Romans 8:17-18; 1 Peter 4:12-13.

c). Loyalty leads to reward.

>>Guide: Read or have a volunteer read Mark 16:1-3. Point out that these Women could have easily found excuses not to go to the tomb: the large stone cover, a fear of being persecuted for being friends with Jesus, the hopelessness of the situation, etc. If they had yielded to their fears, they would have missed being among the first witnesses to the Resurrection.

1. How should we handle the fear of being mocked for our beliefs? [Hint: Being Jesus' friend means that when others mock the possibility of having a personal relationship with Him and knowing He is active in our lives, we don't let them distract us from our devotion to Him. When we listen to those who say Jesus is dead or doesn't care about us, we distance ourselves from Him and the great things He has planned for us.]

2. Read or have a volunteer read Gal 6:9. Have students discuss some of the good things they can do and the rewards that could be received for persistently doing good.

>>Guide: Explain that Mary Magdalene's life was changed when Jesus set her free from Satan's bondage. Once Jesus enters our lives, our devotion to Him is reflected in the choices we make every day. Mary made several tough decisions, demonstrating the kind of love that doesn't give up during difficult times. When our friends are hurting, it's important that we show our love and support for them, so they don't give up.

>>Involve Them: Review this study's main points: choice, loyalty, and reward, Have students identify which of these concepts they are dealing with currently. Are they facing difficult choices to remain faithful? Are they remaining strong in the face of opposition? Or are they expecting rewards for their loyalty? Have students form three groups based on these concepts.

Students can share their struggles and victories with the people in their groups, gaining encouragement from knowing they are not alone. Have students in each group pray for one another.

>>Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg..), explaining WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

>>Ministry Activity: Have students consider what they could do to offer sacrificial service to honour the Lord. This could be something as simple as giving up a favourite TV show for one evening to help out an elderly person or someone else in need, perhaps by help to clean the house. Another idea would be to donate time or money to a ministry charity outreach.

>>Teacher Hint: Ask yourself.
1. Do students understand that it takes courage to honour Jesus dung difficult times and that those who are faithful will be rewarded?

2. Do they understand that without spiritual stamina, believers will lose, hope and give up?

3. Are they prepared to make decisions based on loyalty to God, knowing that a reward awaits them?

>>Daily Dew Drops

Mon: What Have You Done for Him - Mark 14:1-10.
Tues: It Was Never Meant for Him - Mark 14:10-11.
Wed: Betrayed Into Glory - Mark 15:9-11.
Thurs: He came in Love - Rom 5:8.
Fri: The Suffering Redeemer - Mark 15:15-26.
Sat: Identify With Christ - John 19:38.