SUNDAY, 28TH MAY, 2023

BIBLE TEXT: Acts 1: 1-11

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses. Acts 1:8 (NIV).

To help the child learn that Acts of the Apostles is the book of the Bible that tells the story of men and women who took the command Christ gave to His disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel to everybody seriously and begin to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to every part of the world.

During and after the lesson, each child will show that he or she understands the lesson by:
1. Explaining how the Book of Acts is still being written today and how he or she is contributing to it.
2. Saying the memory verse correctly and fluently.

1. Luke Addresses Theophilus - Acts 1: 1-3
2. The Holy Spirit ls Promised - Acts 1:4-8
3. Jesus Ascends To Heaven - Acts 1:9-11

The Gospel of Luke, Luke's first book, is an account of all that Jesus 'began to do and teach' when He was on earth. Luke's second book, The Books of Acts, continues with the work of Jesus after He had gone back to heaven. He did this work in the lives of the apostles through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Book of Acts shows how the promise Jesus gave in verse 8 was fulfilled in Jerusalem, Samaria, and beyond.

Acts, of the Apostles can be called "Second Book of Luke". It tells the story of men and women who took the command Christ gave to His disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel to everybody seriously and began to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to every part of the world. And as they did this, churches began to develop. Acts is the story of the church.

READ ALSO>>>Children's Sunday School Lesson 20: Sunday, 21st May, 2023.

1. Luke Addresses Theophilus - Acts 1:1-3.
Here the writer of Acts of the Apostles addressed Theophilus by name. It is believed that Luke is the writer. He refers to the former account he had written to him about the things Jesus began to do and teach when He was still on earth. Luke said that Jesus continued with His ministry until the day He went back to Heaven. Luke said that before Jesus ascended, He first of all gave commandments His disciples through the Holy Spirit. Jesus had earlier revealed himself to them after His death and resurrection within the forty days He spent before He went back to heaven. He also, at this time taught them about the kingdom of heaven.

2. The Holy Spirit Is Promised - Acts 1:4-8.

One day as Jesus and His disciples assembled again, He commanded them not to go immediately to spread the good news, They were to remain in Jerusalem until they received what God the Father had promised would be given to them. The promise that they heard from Him was that they would be baptised with the Holy Spirit. John had baptised people with water, but in a few days' time, they themselves would be baptised with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would live in them to help and to teach them. This way, Jesus was reminding His disciples that He would soon leave them physically.

Later, when they came together again, the disciples asked Jesus a question that showed that they had, perhaps, forgotten He was going to leave them. They asked Him whether it was time for Him to restore the kingdom to the people of Israel. At this time the Israelites were still ruled by the Romans.

In answering their question, Jesus told His disciples that it was not their business to know God's timetable as it was under His authority. It was at this time that He made a very important statement. He told them that after they had been filled with the Holy Spirit, they would receive power that would make them effective witnesses for Him in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to every nook and cranny of the world.

3. Jesus Ascends to Heaven - Acts 1:9-11.
As soon as Jesus finished giving instructions to His disciples, something strange happened. As they were listening and watching, Jesus began to rise upwards. He was leaving them. Some force was pulling Him off the ground towards the sky. And a cloud received Him out of their sight. But the disciples continued looking steadfastly towards heaven. Suddenly two men in white clothing appeared to them. Standing beside them, the two men addressed them by calling them "Men of Galilee'. They asked the disciples why they all stood there gazing into heaven. Then they said to them, "This same Jesus would come back to the earth just the same way He went back to heaven". The (two men were angels sent by God to help the disciples at this time of grief and loss.
The book of Acts is still being written today. We all are contributing in writing it because we continue to carry out Jesus' work of spreading the gospel in the World.

It is our duty to tell others about the love of Jesus and to help others know Him. The Holy Spirit will give us the strength and courage we need to tell others about Jesus even if we are persecuted.

But we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is more than just speaking in other tongues. The Holy Spirit helps us grow in the Lord. His power will make us develop the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. When we allow Him to fill us, and work in our lives, God will be pleased with everything we do and our words, actions and thoughts will glorify Him.

1. What other name can you give to Acts of the Apostles?
(A) "First Book of Luke"
(B) "Second Book of Luke"
(C) "Third Book of Luke"
(D) "Fourth Book of Luke".

2. What does Luke refer to in the former account he had written to Theophilus?

(A) About the things Jesus began to do and teach when He was still on earth.
(B) About the ways of the world.
(C) About.the rules of the Church.
(D) About your love for your parents.

3. Why did Jesus command His disciples not to go immediately to spread the good news?
(A) They were to remain in Jerusalem until they received what their neighbours had promised would be given to them.
(B) They were to remain in Jerusalem until they received what their mother had promised would be given to them.
(C) They were to remain in Jerusalem until they' had paid their debt.
(D) They were to remain in Jerusalem until they received what God the Father had promised would be given to them.

4. How did Jesus leave the disciples after giving them instruction?
(A) He began to move downwards as some force pulled Him off the ground.
(B) He just waved at them to say goodbye.
(C) He began to rise upwards as some force pulled Him off the ground towards the sky.
(D) He ignored them and went away.

Monday: Foundation of the Apostles - Ephesians 2:19, 20.
Tuesday: Things that Mark an Apostle - 2 Corinthians 12:12.
Wednesday: Fix Your Thought on Jesus, the Apostle - Hebrews 3:1, 2.
Thursday: Through Jesus, We Received Grace and Apostleship - Romans 1:5.
Friday: Are All Apostles? - 1 Cor. 12:28-31.
Saturday: Continue in the Apostles' Doctrine - Acts 2:42.