SUNDAY, 16TH JULY, 2023.


BIBLE TEXT: Ezra 3:8-13; 6:19-22

And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord (Ezra 3:11b, NIV).

To help the child learn how the Temple of the Lord that was destroyed by the Babylonians was rebuilt and restored.

During and after the lesson, each child will show that he/she understands the lesson by:
1. Explaining and outlining how he/she can take part in rebuilding the lives of those who do not have Jesus as their Saviour.
2. Joining others in singing an appropriate song or chorus that illustrates the lesson.

1. The Work of Rebuilding Begins - Ezra 3:8-9.
2. The Foundation ls Laid - Ezra 3:10-13.
3. Celebrating the Passover - Ezra 6:19-22.

Last week we saw how God moved King Cyrus of Persia to make announcement that the Jews should go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. We also saw how the leaders and many other people went back to Judah.

After arriving in Judah, the returned exiles gathered in Jerusalem. First, they built an altar to God. There they offered sacrifices to God and thanked Him for bringing them back home. Then they celebrated the Feast of the Tabernacles. By building an altar and celebrating the feast, the returned exiles were showing great respect for God by opening the laws He had given. This week we shall see how the exiles started work at the site of the Temple in Jerusalem.

1. The Work of Rebuilding Begins - Ezra 3: 8-9.
After about a year, the people who returned from exile were ready to begin the work they came back to do. The work was that of rebuilding the Temple. Zerubbabel, Joshua, the rest of the priest and Levites, and all those who had returned from Persia started work. Levites, who were twenty years and above, were appointed to supervise the work at the temple site, carpenters and masons were hired, and materials were acquired.

2. The Foundation ls Laid - Ezra 3: 10-13.
The people began work on the Temple foundations. Joshua, his sons and his brothers with the other priests and Levites united as one man and supervised the work the carpenters and masons were doing. In no time, the foundations of the Temple were laid and the priests stood dressed in their clothes and blew their trumpets, which they had brought with them. Then the Levites crashed their cymbals to praise the Lord in the way king David ordained it. They sang songs of praise to God and gave thanks to Him with their songs. One of the songs they sang was that God is good, His love and mercy toward His people will never end. They will last forever.

The people were happy. All of them gave a great shout. They praised God because the foundations of the temple had been laid. But as the people were rejoicing, many of the priests and |Levites and other leaders, that is, the old men, who had seen the beautiful Temple king Solomon, had built began to weep. So, while the young were singing, shouting and rejoicing, the older ones were weeping and grieving. The two things mingled together so much that there was a loud commotion that could be heard far away.

3. Celebrating the Passover - Ezra 6: 19-22.
God had commanded the people of Israel to celebrate The Passover every year. Thus, when the people of Judah who returned from exile finished building the Temple, they celebrated a big Passover Feast. This Passover was celebrated on the first day of April. At this time, many of the priests and Levites had made themselves ready for it according to God's commands. There were also some heathen people who had come to live in Judah and who had turned from worshipping idols to worshipping the true God. They also joined the people of Judah to celebrate the Passover Feast and the feast of the Unleavened Bread for seven good days. There was great joy throughout the land because of what God had done. He had caused the kings that conquered them to be kind to them and to help them in rebuilding the Temple of God in Jerusalem and, thereby, restoring the worship of the true and living God.

A Song has a message for us this week. It says:
Building of the temple
Building of the temple
Building of the temple of the Lord
Brother, will you help us?
Sister, will you help us?
Building of the temple of the Lord.
God wants us to take part in His Work. He wants us to give our tine, money, talent or anything we can for His work. God wants us to rejoice, sing praise, and join others in celebrating the goodness of the Lord always.

1. What were the Levites who were twenty years and above appointed to do? 
(A) To be sleeping and sweeping the temple. 
(B) To build the temple alone. 
(C) To supervise the work of the building of the temple. 
(D) To punish anyone who refuses to build the temple.

2. Why did the people praise God joyfully? Because 
(A) The king gave them great gifts. 
(B) They returned to their homes safely
 (C) The foundations of the temple had been laid. 
(D) They had seen the glory of God in the temple.

3. _______ and _______ were among the priests that returned to build the temple?
(A) Zerubbabel and Abel 
(B) Joshua and Abel 
(C) Moses and Joshua 
(D) Zerubbabel and Joshua

4. What did the people of Judah who retuned from exile do when they finished building the Temple? 
(A) They observed some days of rest. 
(B) They returned to Babylon 
(C) They celebrated a big Passover feast.
 (D) All of the above.

Mon: Destroyed Foundation - Psalm 11:3.
Tues: Foundation of Righteousness - Proverbs 10:25.
Weds: Laying Strong Foundation 1 - Matthew 7:24-27.
Thurs: Examine Your Foundation – 1 Corinthians 13:5.
Fri: Laying Strong Foundation 2 - 1 Timothy 6:18-19.
Sat: God's Sure Foundation - 2 Timothy 2:18-19.