SUNDAY, 16TH JULY, 2023.



Text: 1 Tim 6:1-2; 2 Tim 1:8-10; 2:3-13

Key Verse: 2 Timothy 2:11-13.

Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself. (NIV)

The best teaching on hardship comes from those who have weathered a few storms of their own. Students sometimes slip into the mindset that their teacher has faced no real challenges in life. Rather than let that misconception stand, be willing to reveal some of the hardships that God used to shape you.

If you are currently facing a trying situation, use portion of your preparation time to ask the Lord to provide the help you need. If your class is part of the adversity, ask the Lord to help you determine what can be done to turn this trouble into victory. It might also be helpful to evaluate your attitudes toward students, parents, and other facilitators. If you're stressed out concerning the time or emotional requirements of teaching, ask God to show you what your students need from you. He will not say no!!

>>The Basic Message: Explain to students...
Spiritual leaders can overcome the difficulties of influencing others to follow Christ.
Spiritual leaders who are unprepared for hardship will not endure.
Understand the reason for difficulty, and ask God for help.

>>Guide: Explain that spiritual leadership can be fragile like an egg. Too much pressure applied in the wrong place can have disastrous results. Therefore, God warns us to prepare for the hardships inevitably faced by those who live for Him. Handled properly, such pressure cannot destroy God's spiritual leaders.

>>Study Overview: Explain that today's study considers...
•What to expect as a spiritual leader.
•Why spiritual leaders face hardships.
•How to thrive during such difficulties.

>>Inform and Discuss

a). Look Out
Read or ask a volunteer to read 2 Tim 2:3-7. Explain that because Paul wanted Timothy to be in the "game" for the long haul, he warned the young man about the inevitable hardship of being a spiritual leader. He used the metaphors of soldiers, athletes, and farmers to instruct Timothy on how to endure hardship and remain committed to God.

1. As soldiers, what types of "civilian affairs" often distract spiritual leaders? [Hint: Answers might include pride, anger, greed, gossip, lust, and rebellion. Healthy pursuits such as schoolwork or even church activities can also be distracting if not kept in proper perspective.]

2. From an athlete's point of view, what "rules" should spiritual leaders keep in mind? [Hint: Spiritual leaders must operate according to scriptural principles and commands- in all aspects of their lives.]

3. From a farmer's point of view, what keeps some spiritual leaders from working hard? [Hint: Some spiritual leaders are gifted, talented people who think they can coast by on their charm or past performance. Others desire influence but are too lazy to put forth the required effort.]

>>Guide: Explain that all of this hard work and hardship may seem overwhelming at first. However, God promises to help those who make the sacrifices necessary to influence others on His behalf.

b). Look Up
1. Read or ask a volunteer to read 2 Tim 2:11-13. How do Christians "die" with Christ? [Hint: Because Jesus died for our sins on the cross, Christians can crucify their old sinful lifestyles by fully surrendering their lives to God and not feeding sinful flesh.]

2. What does it mean to "live with Him" and "reign with Him"? [Hint: Once a Christian's sinful past is crucified –forgiven and forsaken – he or she can begin to experience the fulfilling (though not necessarily easy) life God intends. When that person dies physically, he or she will exist eternally with God in heaven.]

3. Why do you think God would disown those who disown Him? [Hint: God gives us the choice of whether or not to serve Him. Because He wants our love to be genuine, He won't force us- or anyone- to live for Him.]

>>Note: Disowning god and doubting God are two very different things. People who willfully reject God or renounce God's offer of salvation should not expect the Lord to save them. However, every believer faces moments of doubt and fear. During these times of weak faith, it is imperative that the believer run to -not away from – God. He promises to remain faithful to us, even when we aren't perfect.

c). Look ln
Explain that while often we may not understand the specific reasons for difficulty, God does not leave us without hope or assurance. Our suffering in this life has an eternal purpose.

•Read or ask volunteers to read 2 Tim 1:8-10; 2:8-10. How can we overcome the feeling of shame we might have when we're around people who are not Christians? [Hint: We must always be mindful of what God did for us when He graciously sent His Son to suffer on the cross for our sins.]

>>Guide: Explain that Paul willingly endured resistance because he understood that nothing is as important as helping people become devoted followers of Jesus. As spiritual leaders, hard work, time, and energy are necessary to succeed.

D). Look Ahead
Read or ask a volunteer to read 1 Tim 6:1-2. How could respect between slaves and masters help to overcome social injustice? [Hint: masters of respectful Christian slaves might become interested in the Christian faith. If Christian masters treat slaves with respect, they will have to rethink what it means to "own" slaves. ln the same way, spiritually mature Christians would not mistreat fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.]

>>Note: The Bible acknowledges the existence of slaves; however, it does not promote the capture and forced labour of innocent people. Paul knew that treating other people as members of God's family is the only way to fully overthrow social injustice.

>>Involve Them: Quote: "You can judge leaders by the size of the problems they tackle - people nearly always pick a problem their own size, and ignore or leave to others the bigger or smaller ones."-Anthony Jay. Have students consider their own lives as they mediate on that statement. Ask them to list several specific, practical ways they can utilize their strength and minimize their weaknesses. Challenge students to begin taking those steps right away. Remind them that nothing signals commitment like immediate action.

>>Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 18), explaining WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

>>Ministry Activity: ASK GOD FOR HELP
Have students close their eyes and bow their heads. Ask teens to raise their hands if they feel that God is calling them to become spiritual leaders or increase influence in their Teens Solution Chapter and schools. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for those that respond. Then invite students who are facing difficult situations to receive prayer from you and their classmates.

>>Conclude the study by providing opportunity for students who have not already done so to accept Jesus as the Forgiver of their sins and the leader of their lives. You may also want to tell those who raised their hands that you or the Chief Facilitator of your Teens Solution chapter might contact them to follow them up on their decisions to become spiritual leaders.

>>Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself...
1. Can students explain how to face adversity in spiritual leadership?

2. Have they evaluated their current response to such hardship?

3 Have they made specific, practical plans for addressing those problems?

>>Daily Dew Drops

Mon: Christ Life Revealed in Us - 2 Corinthians 4:8-10.

Tue: Trust in the Lord - Proverbs 3:5-6.

Wed: l can Do All Things - Phillipians 4:12-13.

Thu: The Measure of Your Strength - Proverbs 24:10.

Fri: Count It All Joy - James 1:2-4.

Sat: Be Strong - Joshua 1:9-10.